Yes, that's what they're called, but these awesome little tins are far from full of shit. They're made by the quirky company Blue Q, and they are AMAZING. Each tin is a combination of two flavors, usually a fruit and spice or flower, they are all really unique flavors. I found the Lemonade Hibiscus and Wildberry Chamomile flavors in a store, and I did what any normal psychopath would do and immediately bought the other 10 flavors from their website. These balms have a nice short list of natural ingredients and are suuuuuper moisturizing! Each balm has awesomely adorable artwork on the lid, as well as the flavor name and of course LIP SHIT. I have absolutely zero complaints about these balms, I have read a few reviews where people have said that the lids can be hard to remove, but I haven't had that problem with any of mine.
As difficult as it was for me to choose a favorite flavor, I decided on Lemonade Hibiscus, probably because I'm a sucker for all things lemon. This is the first Lip Shit I bought, and the one that made me fall in love and buy the rest. This balm smells exactly like a cold, tart glass of freshly-squeezed lemonade. I have to admit, I don't know what a hibiscus flower smells like, but there is definitely a slight fresh, floral undertone to this, but it's not like old lady floral or perfume floral, it's really like fresh cut, crisp flowers kind of smell. It's delightful! The nurse on the lid also makes me laugh for some reason, probably because if I was hospitalized I would make the nurses bring me lemonade.
This was the second Lip Shit I bought, and I'd probably say that this is my second favorite (although I really love them all equally). The wildberry has a nice home-made berry jam scent to it, and paired with the chamomile, it smells like some kind of amazing fruity jam and tea concoction. I love the green and purple color combo on the lid art, with the adorable bow-wielding girl scout lady.
I love pineapples, but not pineapple scented things, and brown sugar is usually too sickly sweet for me. I didn't think I would like this one, but I WAS WRONG. This balm has a really fresh, almost acidic scent, like a freshly slaughtered pineapple. The brown sugar isn't bad at all, it gives this balm more of a pineapple upside-down cake scent, like fresh pineapple slices with warm buttery brown sugar. The kitten eating an ice cream cone on the lid is also painfully cute.
I was a little torn on how I would feel about this one. Peach is my absolute favorite scent/flavor/fruit, but I really really really don't like lavender. In the tin, this balm smells like straight up lavender, but it's not overwhelming. On the lips, you can smell/taste the peach a lot better, and it's goooood. If you like lavender, you'll love this. The five o'clock-shadowed fireman on the lid is a nice touch.
This balm is similar to the Peach Lavender in that it smells like ginger in the tin, but on the lips you get more of the pomegranate. I really don't think pomegranate has much of a scent in general really, other than just a tart 'fruit' smell. I love both ginger and pomegranate, so this one is fabulous.
This is one of the most unique flavor combinations, AND I LIKE IT! Coconut scented products often smell like sunscreen and not coconuts. This balm smells like dry coconut flakes, and the basil adds a nice spicy touch! If you wanted to buy a Lip Shit for a man in your life, I'd go with this flavor, I'd say it's the most 'MANLY' scent. This is a really cool flavor, and it has twin guitar playing monkeys on the lid, so you need it.
I think I've said this like 3 times now about different fruity scents, but grapefruit is my favorite. I love tart, sour, bitter, delicious pink grapefruit. This balm definitely smells like fresh pink grapefruit meat, it is tart and bitter and realistic and delicious. I don't think you can really smell the rosehip in the tin, but on the lips you really can smell/taste it! I love this one, and it has a fancy cowgirl on it, which is always a plus.
I have no idea what cardamom smells like. I didn't even know what cardamom was until about 30 seconds ago when I Googled it thinking it was a flower and discovered that it is actually a spice. Cool. Well this balm is the bomb, it even claims on the lid that it is THE BEST LIP SHIT EVER. I love vanilla, and this smells very vanilla-y and I love it. The cardamom is a nice touch and smells terrific with vanilla, but I still am not quite sure what cardamom is or what it's used for, so for all I know this could smell nothing like it. I'm just going to trust that LIP SHIT wouldn't lie to me about this. Yup.
This balm smells like one of those expensive jars of honey from the farmers market with the chunks of honeycomb stuck in there. It's great. I love honey, but just to reiterate, this isn't cheap sugary honey that comes in a bear from the grocery store. This is top of the line fancy fresh honey that a brave beekeeper risked his life to can for your enjoyment. There is a very slight blackberry scent to this, but it's mostly honey to me. This is a really 'sexy' kind of scent.
I actually do know what lemongrass is, but I have no idea if it's suppose to smell lemony, and this kind of does. It smells like a delicious raspberry lemon cheesecake dessert, like lemon bars with fresh raspberries on top, like a home made raspberry lemonade. It's great and yummy and great for summer (and all other seasons cause it's so good). It's got Little Red Riding Hood on the lid, skipping through a lemongrass forest to bring her grandma a basket of raspberries.
This balm made me laugh for way longer than I should have because the woman on the lid is putting on her seatbelt and the cardboard packaging the balm came in said "Always wear your lip balm!". GET IT?!? I laughed. Anyways, this is another unique balm flavor, it's very fresh and almost 'medicinal', but not in a bad way, it doesn't smell like Nyquil or anything, I just feel like the cooling cucumber and mint combination is gonna make everything better. It's medicine for your lips and your life. This lip balm is good for you. And it made me laugh, which is the best medicine, right? I love it.
This balm is just called Asian Pear, but I think I smell a little bit of sneaky mint in there too. This is a unique scent (I keep saying that but it's just true) and I really like it. Out of all 12 balms, this one makes my lips all tingly, like there is some kind of minty oil in the balm. There's a weird tiger thing on the lid. I think it's a tiger at least. He's cool, we're friends.

That's all for this review! Hopefully this can help some people decide which of the wonderful Lip Shits they will buy to slather on their faces. Or you could just follow in my footsteps and buy them all cause they're all sooooo goooood. You can buy Lip Shit balms online at, or if you'd rather buy them in a store, you can find one that carries them near you at I've seen them at Earthbound Trading Co., and a few Barnes and Nobles stores. I was not paid in any way for this review, I bought these balms with my own money, I just love them so much that I needed to share it with the world! Leave me comments and tell me which ones you have and love, or which flavors you want!